學歷: 美國德州農工大學游憩、公園與觀光科學博士
研究專長: 環境行為分析與預測、人文層面景觀資源、景觀資訊科技、資源永續利用規劃設計、景觀意象及美學
授課領域: 造園學及實習、景觀設計及實習、景觀工程學及實習、景觀研究計量方法、電腦輔助景觀設計、海外景觀研習、電腦輔助景觀模擬與表現法、畢業設計、 資源管理應用地理資訊系統、基本設計及實習、園藝科學前瞻

  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 專書
  • 研究計畫
  • 經歷
年度 論文名稱
2015 Cheng, C.-K., & Kuo, H.-Y. , Bonding to a New Place Never Visited: Exploring the Relationship between Landscape Elements and Place Bonding., Tourism Management, 46, pp546-560, (SSCI)
2014 鄭佳昆, 蘇玲玉, & 周紓帆, 地方依附、使用經驗與環境敏感度對環境衝擊之影響, 戶外遊憩研究, 27, 2, pp93-118, (Others)
2014 Su, A.-T., Cheng, C.-K., & Lin, Y.-J. , Modeling Daily Visits to the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition., Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 13, 4, pp725-733, (SCI, SSCI)
2014 周紓帆,鄭佳昆, 以情境模擬討論地方改變對地方連結之影響:以臺大醉月湖為例, 都市與計劃 , 41, 4, pp429-459, (TSSCI)
2014 曾永平, 鄭佳昆, & 徐瑋襄, 遊客對太魯閣國家公園環境屬性偏好與地方依附之關聯, 大專體育學刊, 16, 3, pp261-273, (TSSCI)
2014 鄭佳昆, & 郭蕙瑜, 與未造訪過地點之地方連結發展探討, 地理學報, 73, pp1-24, (TSSCI)
2013 郭蕙瑜, 鄭佳昆, & 沈立, 運用景觀元素探討生長經驗對延續地方連結之影響. , 建築學報, 86, pp145-167, (TSSCI)
2013 鄭佳昆, 李盈婕, & 沈立, 地點意義對設施色彩環境適合度之影響, 造園景觀學報, 19, 4, pp1-27, (Others)
2013 周紓帆,鄭佳昆, 探索地方改變對地方連結之影響——以花博新生公園為例., 造園景觀學報, 20, 1, pp1-21, (Others)
2013 廖婉婷, 鄭佳昆, & 林晏州, 不同地點標籤對自然度感受及偏好影響之研究, 戶外遊憩研究, 26, 4, pp31-56, (TSSCI)
2012 陳映均, 鄭佳昆, & 林晏州, 戶外景觀空間組成對封閉度之影響. , 戶外遊憩研究,, 25, 4, pp1-23, (TSSCI)
2012 鄭佳昆, & 沈立, 意象之對話--與顏家芝老師, 觀光遊憩研究理路--顏家芝教授學術研究 , pp35-44, (Others)
2012 鄭佳昆, & 沈立, 運動產業發展條例之實施與應用-運動休閒旅遊業, 國民體育, 41, 3, pp65-72, (Others)
2012 鄭佳昆, 沈立, & 林正餘, 不同環境使用者間之環境價值認知與態度探討, 國民教育, 52, 6, pp29-35, (Others)
2012 Positioning USA in the Chinese Outbound Travel Market, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, (SSCI)
2011 An Examination of Tourism Journal Development., Tourism Management, 32, pp53-61, (SSCI)
2009 Lai, P. H., Sorice, M.G., Nepal, S. K., & Cheng, C. K., Integrating social marketing into sustainable resource management at Padre Island National Seashore: An attitude-based segmentation., Environmental Management, 43, 6, pp985-998, (SSCI)
2009 鄭佳昆,沈立,全珍衡, 熟悉度於不同情境下對視覺景觀偏好之影響探討, 戶外遊憩研究, 22, 4, (TSSCI)
2008 Li, X. R., Cheng, C. K., Kim, H. G., & Petrick, J. F., A systematic comparison of first-time and repeat visitors via a two-phase online survey., Tourism Management, 29, 2, pp278-293, (SSCI)
2007 Kim, H. G., Cheng, C. K. & O'Leary, J. T., Understanding Participation Patterns and Trends in Tourism Cultural Attractions., Tourism Management, 28, 5, pp1366-1371, (SSCI)
2004 Var, T., Cheng, C.-K., & Oh, J. Y.-J, Economic Impact of Bush Presidential Library and Museum on Brazos County, Tourism Analysis, 9, pp117-121
2004 Oh, J. Y.-J., Cheng, C.-K., Lehto, X. Y., & Oleary, J. T., Predictors of Tourists' Shopping Behaviour: Examination of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Trip Typologies, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10, 4, pp308-319
1996 鄭佳昆、林晏州, 以相片評估造園鋪面材料之可行性研究, 台大農學院研究報告, 36, 1, pp1-15
年度 論文名稱
2014 C.-A., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K, Is Ecotourism Truly Friendlier to the Environment?, 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 Chen, K. Y., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K., The Effects of Festival on City Branding., 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 Chen, Y.-M., & Cheng, C.-K., Comparing Place Bonding Scales with Different Measurements of Activity. , 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 Chi, H.-L., & Cheng, C.-K., The Effect of the Sense of Renao and Crowding Perceptions on Satisfaction, 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 So, H., & Cheng, C.-K., Exploring the Characteristics of Dating Attractions., 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 海報展示, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 Tsai, Y.-J., Lian, P.-Y., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K., Exploring the Influence of Different Media on the Destination Image Perception., 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 Wang, C.-Y., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K., The Historical Streets Are Authenticity or Not?, 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and 11th Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, 會議論文, 2014-05-18-2014-05-20
2014 王婷萱, & 鄭佳昆, 地方連結與核電廠衝擊之相關性探討., 第十二屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2014-03-08-2014-03-08
2014 索賀, & 鄭佳昆., 約會景點之組成特性探討., 第十二屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學., 口頭報告, 2014-03-08-2014-03-08
2014 陳勝田, 陳志宏, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆, 河廊改造景觀效益之研究, 第十二屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2014-03-08-2014-03-08
2014 陳雅敏, & 鄭佳昆, 不同活動類型問項之情感連結量表比較. , 第十二屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2014-03-08-2014-03-08
2014 紀惠齡, & 鄭佳昆., 地方依附對擁擠知覺之影響. , 第16 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 台北世新大學., 口頭報告, 2013-09-19-2013-09-20
2014 陳明萱, 陳意卿, 曾鈺文, 蔡頤瀞, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆., 探討文創園區之展覽對園區品牌個性影響之研究. , 第16 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 台北世新大學., 口頭報告, 2013-09-19-2013-09-20
2014 陳雅敏, & 鄭佳昆, 使用者從事活動數量、活動重要性和地方連結情感之關係探討., 第16 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 世新大學, 口頭報告, 2013-09-19-2013-09-20
2013 王婷萱, & 鄭佳昆, 地方連結與環境衝擊之相關性探討, 第15 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 東海大學, 口頭報告, 2013-09-27-2013-09-28
2013 王興文, & 鄭佳昆, 懷舊與地方連結之關係探討, 第15 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 東海大學, 口頭報告, 2013-09-27-2013-09-28
2013 Chen, Y.-M., & Cheng, C.-K. , Understanding the Relationships between Place Bonding and Actifity Participation., 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO, USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2013-06-04-2013-06-08
2013 Lee, L. Y. L., & Cheng, C.-K., Powerful Labels? Impacts of Different Place Labels on Perceived Naturalness, 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO, USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2013-06-04-2013-06-08
2013 Shen, L., Chen, Y.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., How Could We Promote the Relationship between Human and the Natural Environment?, 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO, USA, 會議論文, 2013-06-04-2013-06-08
2013 王婷萱, & 鄭佳昆, Exploring the Relationship between Environmental Impacts and Place Bonding., 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, CO, USA., 會議論文, 2013-06-04-2013-06-08
2013 周紓帆, & 鄭佳昆, 以鄰里公園的關閉探討地方連結變化, 第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2013-03-09-2013-03-09
2013 施景堯, & 鄭佳昆., 校園空間中的恐懼因子:恐懼程度與視覺注意力焦點., 第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學., 口頭報告, 2013-03-09-2013-03-09
2013 洪樣, & 鄭佳昆, 感知自然度對寧靜感之影響. , 第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學., 口頭報告, 2013-03-09-2013-03-09
2013 陳雅敏, & 鄭佳昆, 地方連結與活動之關係探討, 第15 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 東海大學, 口頭報告, 2012-09-27-2012-09-28
2012 王婷萱, & 鄭佳昆, 風水評價對景觀偏好之影響., 第14 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, 國立東華大學, 口頭報告, 2012-10-05-2012-10-06
2012 周紓帆, & 鄭佳昆, 探索地方不可使用後地方連結的改變, 第14 屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, 國立東華大學, 口頭報告, 2012-10-05-2012-10-06
2012 施景堯, & 鄭佳昆, 校園空間中的恐懼因子, 第一屆人與植物學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2012-09-14-2012-09-14
2012 鄭佳昆, 王婷萱, & 沈立, 生態美質對景觀植物、生態知識與熟悉度之相關性探討, 第一屆人與植物學術研討會, 國立臺灣大學園藝暨景觀學系造園館, 口頭報告, 2012-09-14-2012-09-14
2012 Chou, S.-F., & Cheng, C.-K., A Survey of the Mechanism of Place-Bonding Disruption, 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2012-06-17-2012-06-21
2012 Ou, Y.-Y., Ho, H.-Y., Huang, Y.-F., & Cheng, C.-K., Attraction or Distraction? - the Popular Culture Impact on the Destination Image., 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 2012-06-17-2012-06-22
2012 Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K., Destination Environment, Destination Image and Self-Image Congruence., 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 2012-06-17-2012-06-22
2012 Shih, J.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., Fond of It or Afraid of It? The Effect of Mystery on Preference and Fear., 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 2012-06-17-2012-06-22
2012 Wang, T.-H., & Cheng, C.-K., The Influence of Feng-Shui Symbolic Meaning on Landscape Preference., 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 2012-06-17-2012-06-22
2012 Chen, Y.-Y., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K. , Using Investment Model to Investigate the Relationship between the Environment Commitment and the Willingness to Sacrifice., 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2012-06-17-2012-06-22
2012 Chou, P.-Y., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K, The Influence of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivations on Environmental User Engagement, 18th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2012-06-17-2012-06-21
2012 周紓帆, & 鄭佳昆, 地方連結中斷之機制初探, 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2012 施景堯, & 鄭佳昆, 神秘感與知覺危險對恐懼感的影響, 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2012 郭蕙瑜, & 鄭佳昆., 景觀元素對地方連結延續之影響探討. , 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2012 陳盈妤, 鄭佳昆, & 沈立, 景觀演化理論之再確認─年齡及觀景情境對視覺景觀偏好之影響探討. , 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2012 歐陽儀, 何蕙宇, 黃郁棻, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆, 電影對目的地意象之影響-以電影《艋舺》為例, 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學作物科學大樓, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2012 蘇玲玉, & 鄭佳昆, 地方連結與景觀偏好之關係探討, 第十屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立中興大學作物科學大樓, 口頭報告, 2012-03-03-2012-03-03
2011 吳帝葦, 徐國瑋, 何蕙宇, 歐陽儀, 黃郁棻, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆, 影響都市環境中自然體驗因子之初探, 第13屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 台北世新大學, 口頭報告, 2011-09-09-2011-09-10
2011 郭蕙瑜, & 鄭佳昆., 與陌生地點之地方連結發展機制探討. , 第13屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 台北世新大學, 口頭報告, 2011-09-09-2011-09-10
2011 陳如琳, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆., 探討居民的都市意象與目的地意象之差異. , 第13屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 台北世新大學., 口頭報告, 2011-09-09-2011-09-10
2011 蘇玲玉, & 鄭佳昆, 以月暈效應探討地方連結與景觀偏好之關係, 第13屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 世新大學, 口頭報告, 2011-09-09-2011-09-10
2011 龔彥君, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆, 探討遊客環境認知之真實性差異, 第13屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 世新大學, 口頭報告, 2011-09-09-2011-09-10
2011 Li, X., Cheng, C.-K., Kim, H., & Li, X., Positioning America in the Chinese Outbound Travel Market, 2011 Annual TTRA Conference: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees – Big Picture Research in a Detail Driven World, London, ON Canada, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2011-06-19-2011-06-21
2011 Chen, R.-L., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K., Image of Place: Real Environment Versus Popular Culture., 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2011-06-13-2011-06-17
2011 Su, L.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., Examining Halo Effect between Place Bonding and Landscape Preference., 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, 會議論文, 2011-06-13-2011-06-17
2011 Kung, Y.-C., Shen, L., & Cheng, C.-K. , Exploring Tourists' Authenticity Perception to Cultural Landscape, 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2011-05-13-2011-05-17
2011 Kuo, H.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., Exploring the Forming of Place Bonding to a New Place Never Visited, 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2011-05-13-2011-05-17
2011 吳珮竹, & 鄭佳昆, 人格特質對地方連結之影響, 第九屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2011-02-16-2011-02-16
2011 李盈婕, & 鄭佳昆, 地點意義對景觀設施色彩適合度之影響, 第九屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立台灣大學, 口頭報告, 2011-02-16-2011-02-16
2011 Chen, Y.-Y., Cheng, C.-K., Shen, L., & Heish, W.-C., Is Souvenir Authenticity Important for Sustainable Tourism Destination?, 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2011 Cheng, C.-K., Huang, Y.-H., & Shen, L., Exploring the Factors Influencing Landscape Perceived Naturalness., 17th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2010 陳盈秀, & 鄭佳昆, 民眾參與對地方依附在不同地理層級上之影響. , 第12屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會暨國際論壇, 國立虎尾科技大學, 口頭報告, 2010-09-18-2010-09-19
2010 Lee, Y. C., & Cheng, C.-K. , Examining Ecological Aesthetics-the Relationship between Native Landscape Planting, Ecological Knowledge, and Familiarity, 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 Lee, Y. C., & Cheng, C.-K. , Is It a Deja Vu All over Again?—Understanding the Influence of Similar Past Travel Experiences on Tourists' Destination Image, 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 Lee, Y. C., & Cheng, C.-K. , Examining the Effects of Place Meaning on Environmental Fittingness of Landscape Facilities, 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 Liu, C.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., Exploring the Relationship between Authenticity and Typicality., 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA, 會議論文, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 Shen, L., Ken, W., Cheng, C.-K., & Yao, L.-H., The Relationship between Destination Personality and the Product of Visual Culture., 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA, 會議論文, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 吳珮竹, & 鄭佳昆, Your Place Reveals Your Character — Exploring the Relationship between Personality and Place Bonding. , 16th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Corpus Christi, Texas USA., 會議論文, 2010-06-06-2010-06-10
2010 黃玟諭, 張依璇, 陳祺縕, 陳映伃, 沈立, & 鄭佳昆, 遊客對深坑老街真實性之研究, 第八屆造園景觀學術研討會, 國立臺灣大學, 口頭報告, 2010-03-10-2010-03-10
2009 Li, X., Kaplanidou, K., Jeon, S. M., & Cheng, C. K., China's Destination Image Change before and after the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: A U.S.-Based Examination, 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Macau, China, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-12-02-2009-12-04
2009 黃昱瑄, & 鄭佳昆, 都市環境中景觀元素與自然度之關係初探, 第11屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, 暨南國際大學管理學院大樓, 口頭報告, 2009-09-25-2009-09-26
2009 Chen, Y.-H., Cheng, C.-K., & Shen, L., Effects of Participatory Design on Place Attachment., 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2009 Huang, Y.-H., & Cheng, C.-K. , Exploring the Relationship between Dynamic Landscape Elements and Visual Preference for High-Way Mrt Passengers, 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2009 Huang, Y.-H., & Cheng, C.-K. , Examining the Relationships between Naturalness Sequence and Landscape Visual Preference-a Case Study of Bikeways, 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2009 Liu, C.-Y., Hsiao, C.-Y., & Cheng, C.-K., Exploring the Using Patterns of Artificial Beach in Taiwan., 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2009 Shen, L., Cheng, C. P., Shia, Z. F., Chen, T. Y., & Cheng, C. K., Exploring the Relationship between Conservation Behaviour and Place Attachment., 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2009 吳珮竹, & 鄭佳昆, Examine the Relationships between Landscape Visual Preference and Styles of Education., 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vienna, Austria, 會議論文, 2009-07-05-2009-07-08
2008 Cheng, C.-K., Shafer, C. S., & Shen, L. , Examining the Relationship between Landscape Aesthetics and Place Attachment., 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Burlington, VT, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2008-06-10-2008-06-14
2005 Cheng, C.-K., Li, X. R., Petrick, J. F., & O'leary, J. T., Examining Tourism Knowledge Development from Journal Topics. , 2005 Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, New Orleans, LA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 1970-01-01-1970-01-01
2005 Cheng, C.-K., Oh, J. Y.-J., Lehto, X., & O'leary, J. T., Examining the Trends for Tourism Dissertation,, 2005 NRPA Leisure Research Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 1970-01-01-1970-01-01
2004 Cheng, C.-K., Chon, J., Doh, M., & Shafer, C. S., Ninth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2004-01-06-2004-01-08
2003 Cheng, C.-K., O'leary, J. T., Lee, S., & Oh, Y.-J. J., Eighth Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Students Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 會議論文, 口頭報告, 2003-01-05-2003-01-07
1999 林晏州,陳玉清,鄭佳昆,沈立, 風景區設施色彩計劃之研究, 1999休閒遊憩觀光研究成果研討會, 台灣, 會議論文(Others), 1970-01-01-1970-01-01
1999 林晏州,鄭佳昆,沈立,陳玉清, 台北市市民農園發展課題與使用者行為之探討, 1999休閒遊憩觀光研究成果研討會, 台灣, 會議論文(Others), 1970-01-01-1970-01-01
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
研究計畫 98 以社會文化及地點意義觀點探討自然度認知與景觀視覺偏好之關係 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
研究計畫 97 景觀生態美質初探—視覺景觀偏好與生態知識之關係探討 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
研究計畫 97 景觀視覺偏好及地方依附之關係探討與整合模型之建立 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
專利名稱 專利編號 專利國別 作者
年度 發表名稱 發表日期 全部作者
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
中華民國戶外遊憩學會 專案研究員 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
益鼎公司派駐臺電龍門施工處(核四廠) 景觀工程師 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
德州農工大學 研究助理 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
國立臺灣大學 園藝學系 助理教授 0000.01 ~ 0000.01
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位