學歷: 國立臺灣大學園藝系農學博士
研究專長: 亞熱帶果樹、營養分析及果樹生理
授課領域: 果樹學及實習、園藝學研究法、果樹營養學、高級果樹學、飲料作物、茶與茶業、茶研究、茶葉品質分析概論、園藝作物生理學特論、園藝科學前瞻、作物栽培特論

  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 研究計畫
  • 經歷
年度 論文名稱
2015 Chen, P. A., S. Y. Lin, C. F. Liu, Y. S. Su, H. Y. Cheng, J. H. Shiau, and I. Z. Chen, Correlation between nitrogen application to tea flushes and quality of green and black teas, Scientia Horticulturae, 181, pp102-107, (SCI)
2014 陳柏安、阮素芬、李金龍、陳右人, 激勃素於果樹開花誘導中扮演之角色, 臺灣園藝, 60, pp137-148
2014 Chen, P. A., S. F. Roan, C. L. Lee, and I. Z. Chen, Effects of GA3 application on the inflorescence and yield of ‘Yu Her Pau’ litchi, Scientia Horticulturae, 171, pp45-50, (SCI)
2014 Chang, Y. C., I. Z. Chen, L. H. Lin, and Y. S. Chang, Temperature effects on shoot growth and flowering of kumquat trees, Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology, 32, pp1-9, (SCI)
2014 Lin, S. Y., Y. Y. Liao, S. F. Roan, I. Z. Chen, and P. A. Chen, Growth of noni fruits (Morinda citrifolia L.) and accumulation of phenolic compounds during fruit development, Scientia Horticulturae, 178, pp168-174, (SCI)
2014 Wu, H. L., S. Y. Lin, I. Z. Chen, J. J. Shyr, and S. F. Roan, Estimation of genetic relationships among 39 cultivars of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) by analysing the volatile constituents of leaves, The Journal of Horticulural Science and Biotechnology, 89, pp453-457, (SCI)
2013 Lin, S. Y., Y. L. Chen, C. L. Lee, C. Y. Cheng, S. F. Roan, and I. Z. Chen, Monitoring volatile compound profiles and chemical compositions during the process of manufacturing semi-fermented oolong tea, The Journal of Horticulural Science and Biotechnology, 88, pp159-164, (SCI)
2012 范嘉琦、楊美珠、陳右人、陳英玲、李金龍、吳俊達、阮素芬, 烘焙溫度、時間及次數對臺茶十三號包種茶咖啡因及兒茶素類含量之影響, 臺灣茶業研究彙報, 31, pp53-72
2012 林書妍、陳國任、陳右人、吳俊達、阮素芬, 白毫烏龍茶製作品種及比賽茶等級與揮發性有機化合物之相關性初探, 臺灣茶業研究彙報, 31, pp85-98
2012 楊美珠、劉銘純、黃謄鋒、陳國任、陳右人, 包種茶低濕乾燥過程中凝結水生成量與其揮發性成分之變化, 臺灣茶業研究彙報, 31, pp73-84
2012 Chen, P. A., S. F. Roan, C. L. Lee, and I. Z. Chen, The effect of temperature during inflorescence development to flowering and inflorescence length on yield of ‘Yu Her Pau’ litchi, Scientia Horticulturae, 159, pp186-189, (SCI)
2012 Lin, S. Y, I. Z. Chen, and Y. T. Lai, Heavy pruning effects on flower buds formation of Citrus microcarpa Swingle, Acta Horticulturae, 928, pp267-272
2011 陳銘至、熊同銓、張祖亮、李金龍、陳右人、阮素芬, 環狀剝皮與勒束對‘黑葉’荔枝根生長與葉片及根養分濃度之影響, 臺灣園藝, 57, pp231-242
2011 Wu, C.T., S. F. Roan, I. Z. Chen, T. C. Hsiung, J. J. Shyr, and A. Wakana, Effect of Harvest Maturity and Heat Pretreatment on the Quality of Low Temperature Storage Avocados in Taiwan, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 56, pp255-262, (SCI)
2011 洪毓翔、阮素芬、陳右人, 萎凋及萃取方法對番石榴嫩梢酚類物質含量之影響, 科學農業, 59, pp64-72
2010 Lin, S. Y., S. F. Roan, C. L. Lee, and I. Z. Chen, Volatile organic components of fresh leaves as indicators of indigenous and cultivates citrus species in Taiwan, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 74, 4, pp806-811, (SCI)
2010 郭懷恩、阮素芬、李金龍、陳右人, 繁殖方法對‘桃園三號’草苺母株開花與走莖形成之影響, 臺灣園藝, 56, pp11-19
2010 Wu, Z. B., H. M. Ku, C. C. Su, I. Z. Chen, and F. J. Jan, Molecular and biological characterization of an isolate of Apple stem pitting virus causing pear vein yellows disease in Taiwan, Journal of Plant Pathology, 92, pp721-728, (SCI)
年度 論文名稱
2010 Lee, T. H., C. Hsu, S. Y. Lin, C. L. Lee, and I. Z. Chen, Interspecific hybridization of Fragaria ananassa with Fragaria hayatae Makino, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Lee, P. H., S. F Roan, T. B. Huang, and I. Z. Chen, Effects of light interruption and temperature on floral bud formation of Fragaria xananassa Duch. cv. Taoyuan No. 3, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Kuo, H. E., S. F Roan, and I. Z. Chen, Propagation methods and seasons on strawberry runners production and fruits quality, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Wang, C. W., I. Huang, W. Chen, S. F. Roun, and I. Z. Chen, Seed Germination of Pasania konishii, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Lin, S.Y., I.Z. Chen, K.S. Chen, and Y.L. Chen, Dynamic chemical profiling in semi-fermented tea manufacturing process, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Fan, C. C., I. Z. Chen, and Y. Y. Liao, The effect of TTES no.13 paochung tea caffeine and catechins content by using different roasting methods, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Liao, Y. Y., S. F. Roan, C. L. Lee, and I. Z. Chen, Fruit development of noni (Morinda citrifolia) and changes of bioactive compounds during fruit development, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Chen, P. A., C. L. Lee, S. F. Roun, and I. Z. Chen, Relationship between ‘Lu Her Pau’ litchi inflorescence scale and fruiting, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
2010 Lai, Y., Y. Lin, and I. Chen, Heavy pruning effects on flower buds formation of Citrus microcarpa Bunge and Fortunella margarita Swing, 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisboa, Portugal
年度 書名
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
產學合作計畫 98 水果產業結構調整計畫-果樹品種更新及設施栽培計畫 ~ 農委會農糧署
產學合作計畫 98 果樹品種改良與栽培技術改進及採後處理應用-研發改良栽培與處理技術以生產優質柑橘 ~ 農委會農糧署
產學合作計畫 98 果樹品種改良與栽培技術改進及採後處理應用-梨果實品質提昇及栽培技術改進 ~ 農委會農糧署
產學合作計畫 98 果樹產業研發及人才培訓提升計畫 ~ 農委會農糧署
專利名稱 專利編號 專利國別 作者
年度 發表名稱 發表日期 全部作者
服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
行政院農業委員會茶業改良場 廠長 2011.04 ~
國立臺灣大學 園藝暨景觀系 教授 2011.01 ~
國立臺灣大學 園藝系 副教授 1996.01 ~
國立臺灣大學 園藝系 講師 1995.01 ~
行政院農業委員會茶業改良場 研究員 1991.01 ~
行政院農業委員會茶業改良場 茶作課 副研究員 1987.01 ~
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位