學歷: 賓州州立大學游憩、公園及旅遊管理學系博士
研究專長: 都市綠地與健康、高齡景觀休閒規劃與設計
授課領域: 景觀規劃與實習、基本設計及實習、畢業設計、基地計畫

  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 研究計畫
  • 榮譽
年度 論文名稱
2022 Li, D., Zhai, Y., Chang, P. J., Merrill, J., Browning, M., Sullivan, W. C. (2022). Nature deficit and senses: Relationships among childhood nature exposure and adulthood sensory profiles, creativity, and nature relatedness. Landscape and Urban Planning, 226, 104489.
2022 吳宓耕、孫培綸、張伯茹*(2022年12月)。由五大人格特質探討:綠地景觀偏好及活動的生心理效益。台灣造園景觀學報。(已接受)。本人為通訊作者。
2022 Bae, S. Y., Chang, P. J., & Lee, H.(2022).Examining ‘untact’ tourism behaviour in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic: A two-wave longitudinal study (March and September 2020). Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
2021 黃振寧、張伯茹*(2021)。都市人行環境空間封閉性對時間知覺之影 響。台灣造園景觀學報,25(2),41-60
2021 Chu, Y. T., Li, D., & Chang, P. J. (2021). Effects of Urban Park Quality, Environmental Perception, and Leisure Activity on Well-Being among the Older Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11402. 本人為通訊作者.
2021 Bing Han, Dongying Li, & Po-Ju Chang (2021, Nov). The effect of place attachment and greenway attributes on well-being among older adults in Taiwan.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 65, 127306. (SCI, 5/85 Forestry). 本人為通訊作者.
2021 Yen-Han Lee, Yen-Chang Chang, Po-Ju Chang and Mack Shelley (2021).Socio-demographic and behavioural factors associated with status change of sleep quality and duration among Chinese older adults, Ageing & Society, 1-18. (SSCI,IF:1.768, Gerontology 17/36,47% )
2020 Bae, S. Y., Chang, P. J., & Lee, C. K. (2020). Structural Relationships among Online Community Use, Parental Stress, Social Support, and Quality of Life between Korean and Taiwanese Employed Mothers. Sustainability, 12(24), 10681.(SSCI, IF:2.576,Environmental Studies: 53/123, 43%)
2020 張伯茹, & 陳上迪. (2020). 環境壓力源對爵士音樂節到訪者之旅遊意圖影響, 33(4). (TSSCI)
2020 Bae, S. Y., & Chang, P. J. (2020). The effect of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) risk perception on behavioural intention towards ‘untact’tourism in South Korea during the first wave of the pandemic (March 2020). Current Issues in Tourism, 1-19. (SSCI, IF:4.147, HOSPITALITY,LEISURE,SPORT & TOURISM 10/56, 17.8%)
2020 Chang, P. J. (2020). Effects of the built and social features of urban greenways on the outdoor activity of older adults. Landscape and Urban Planning, 204, 103929.(SCI, IF: 5.441, URBAN STUDIES 1/42, 2.3%)
2020 Chang, P. J., Tsou, C. W., & Li, Y. S. (2020). Urban-greenway factors’ influence on older adults’ psychological well-being: A case study of Taichung, Taiwan. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126606.(SCI, IF: 4.021, FORESTRY 3/68,4.4% )
2019 張伯茹, & 陳上迪. (2019). 環境干擾對中高齡女性使用都市綠園道之戶外休閒, 地方依附與幸福感之關係. 戶外遊憩研究, 32(2), 39-65.(TSSCI)
2019 Chang, P. J., Song, R., & Lin, Y. (2019). Air Pollution as a Moderator in the Association Between Leisure Activities and Well-Being in Urban China. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(8), 2401-2430.(SSCI, IF: 2.344, SOCIAL SCIENCE 22/108, 20.3%)
2018 黃彥翔, & 張伯茹. (2018). 環境知覺與野餐者的休閒動機, 休閒涉入與休閒效益之關係. 造園景觀學報, 22(4), 25-47.
2018 Po-Ju Chang, Yeqiang Lin, Rui Song , Leisure Satisfaction Mediates the Relationships between Leisure Settings, Subjective Well-Being, and Depression among Middle-Aged Adults in Urban China, Applied Research in Quality of Life, pp1-17, (SSCI)
2017 Chang, P. J. & Yarnal, C. , The effect of social support on resilience growth among women in the Red Hat Society, The Journal of Positive Psychology, pp1-8, (SSCI)
2017 Chang, P. J. & Bae, S. Y. , Positive emotional effects of leisure in green spaces in alleviating work-family spillover in working mothers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 7, (SSCI)
2016 Po-Ju Chang, Careen Yarnal, & Garry Chick , Longitudinal Association Between Playfulness and Resilience in Older Women Engaged in The Red Hat Society, Journal of Leisure Research, 48, 3, pp210-227, (SSCI)
2015 Bora Lee, Katie M. Lawson,Po-Ju Chang, Claudia Neuendorf, Natalia Olegovna Dmitrieva, & David M. Almeida, Leisure-Time Physical Activity Moderates the Longitudinal Associations between Work-Family Spillover and Physical Health, Journal of Leisure Research, 47, 4, pp444-466, (SSCI)
2014 Ying-Hsuan Lin, Chih-Chang Tsai, William C. Sullivan, Po-Ju Chang, & ChunYen Chang , Does awareness effect the restorative function and perception of street trees?. , frontiers in Psychology, 5, 906, pp1-9, (SSCI)
2014 Po-Ju Chang, Linda Wray, and Yeqiang Lin, Social Relationships, Leisure Activity, and Health in Older Adults, Health Psychology, 33, 6, pp516-523, (SSCI)
年度 論文名稱
2019 Chang, Po-Ju, The Effect of Neighborhood Social Capital and Stressors on Elderly Well-being: A Case Study of Urban Greenway in Taiwan, The 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress, 口頭報告
2019 Chang, P. J., The Effect of Urban Greenway Quality on Elderly Well-being,The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology (AGen2019),口頭報告
2018 張伯茹、鄒君瑋, 擴展與建構理論過程中的高齡綠地休閒, 2018 世界休閒協會台灣分會年會暨研討會, 口頭報告
2018 黃彥翔、張伯茹、周鶴樹, 野餐者的環境知覺、休閒動機、休閒 涉入與休閒效益之關係-不同的野餐場域類型與陪同者之比較, 2018 年第十 六屆造園景觀學術研討會, 口頭報告
2017 Po-Ju Chang, Rui Song, & Yeqiang Lin , Does Outdoor Environment Matter? Assessing Leisure Styles and Subjective Well-being in China, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) 2017 Annual Conference, 海報展示
2017 李依珊、張伯茹, 接收Facebook上之外部影響因素與旅遊決 策模式初探—以節慶活動旅遊為例, 第十九屆休閒、遊憩、觀光學術研討會, 口頭報告
2016 Chang, P. J., Lin, Y., & Song, R. , Urban- Rural Gaps in Leisure and Life Satisfaction, The 2016 NRPA Annual Conference, St. Louis, 海報展示
2016 Kevin Lin, & Po-Ju Chang , Examining the Role of Social Status and Leisure Activity in the Main Effect Model, California & Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Training Conference Leisure Education & Research Symposium, 口頭報告
2015 Yeqiang Lin, Po-Ju Chang, Rui Song , Determinants of tourism participation: Evidence from China, the Inaugural Conference of the EATSA – Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, 口頭報告
年度 書名
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校外榮譽 111年 吳大猷先生紀念獎 國科會